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The firstborn American to two Mexican immigrants, Steven’s upbringing in Midland meant a lot of hard work and an entrepreneurial spirit. While attending Midland High, Steven started his own snow cone business at age 17 and sold it by the time he was 19. He also managed his family’s tortilla factory for three years. As a young business leader, Steven got plugged in with the Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and was their Chair of Legislation from 2019 to 2022. He currently serves as the Vice President of the Midland West Rotary Club.


Throughout his experiences, Steven realized it’s not enough to build success. We need good leaders to put strong policies into place so we can maintain prosperity and help others achieve it as well. Steven became politically active, re-activating the Midland County Young Republicans, served as President for three years, and served on the board for the state organization. He’s served as Vice Chair for the Midland County Republican Party and has block walked all over the state of Texas and the country.


Steven has a heart for his community, especially young people. He is involved in his church as a small group leader, as well as a Teen F.L.O.W. servant leader and board member. He’s also served on the advisory committee for the Barbara Culver Juvenile Center. 


Steven understands that local government makes the biggest and most direct impact in the day-to-day lives of Midland County residents. That’s why as Midland County Commissioner, Steven Villela will be our advocate to protect our shared values of personal freedom, good jobs, and taking good care of the infrastructure and resources that serve us. 

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